Tuesday, November 22, 2011

If I wanted to make cosplay clothes and props as a job/career, would I major in fashion?

Also, it is possible to have multiple careers right? Like, I could have a job as a chef, and a fashion designer, and maybe another thing..?|||Fashion design is related but what you're really talking about is costume construction and design in a theater department. It's very often an MFA (3 years after the bachelor's degree) program in colleges.

You could have as many careers as you want but there are only so many hours in a day and you'll need to find some way to make enough to eat.

Remember, just because you like doing something doesn't mean you have to make a job out of it. Plenty of people cook or make costumes as a hobby and have some sort of "real job" to be able to afford to do it.|||If you want to make cosplay clothing and props, you'd major in fashion design, yes.

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