Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What would I study If i wanted a job in medicine in the USA?

I am starting college in september 2011 and i want to live and work in america when i am older around the age of 26/27 and I know I need a greencard and i heard that the USA accpets a lot of greencards if you are in the medical field. I want to study at college and university so i would also have high education. what path would i have to take in education in order to get a good job in medicine.|||Pre-med and biology to start. After you get your biology degree, then you can apply for medical school.

()|||As high a level as possible, it would be the hospital that would sponsor you and would need to show that no one locally had your medical skills.|||We need nurses. Consider a nursing specialty like geriatrics or oncology - both of which will be in demand as our Baby Boomer population ages.|||You would have to study medicine to become a doctor or nursing to become a nurse.|||Pre-med, nursing or chemistry to go towards being a pharmacist.|||I'd be a dentist. With the government taking over health care Docs will be overworked and underpaid.|||Stay home you LEACH!!!

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