Saturday, November 19, 2011

Look at your job right now. Is that the same with what you wanted to be when you were a kid?

Does it saddened you that life took an unexpected turn?

Or are you grateful instead you end up like this?|||kind of. When i was younger I wanted to be a vet but then I discovered you had to do science to be a vet and, well, I'm not very good at science. So I became a vet nurse instead! I still get to work with animals which was always my goal. I guess you could say I'm in my dream job!|||I really had no idea what I wanted to do when I was a kid. At one stage I wanted to be a vet and then burst into tears when I found out I had to put animals down. I then wanted to work in music or something in that area and that got shot down in flames. I work as a carer and, for the most part, I like the job. The pay is crap but I do like the job.|||Well, I have no job.

So i guess it is what i wanted as a kid, To be able to do whatever i want and not have to work.

Yeah, i was pretty stupid as a kid did not notice it would be this bad get what i want and still end up saddened that it turned out like this. Ungrateful of me.|||No, the job I have now, isn't one of the jobs I wanted when I was younger. As far as the unexpected turn, that's life. Things happen for a reason and I'm pretty content. Good Luck!|||are you kidding me??? When i was you i dreammmmeeeddd of sitting around on yahoo answers for 8 hours a day...thank god my four year degree got me here!|||It depresses me a lot. I can comfort myself saying I'm still young so I'm not stuck behind a till forever, but lets face it, I should have a real job by now!|||No.|||Yep.

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